Wednesday, June 30, 2010

walker texas rangers

Here we are. In Laredo, TX or MEXICO I should say. We had it so good in Ohio. Now we live in an Extended Stay which is a hotel. Yes. I am the only white person when I walk into the grocery store. It is not unusual to see border patrol driving around. No pool to dive into in the 100+ heat whine....whine....whine....ok since I'm telling you all the bad stuff, I feel as if I should give you some of the positives of being here. Mexican coke and legit mexican food has never been more available! We have cable and cheap internet! Our AC gets soooo cold! We still have each other so we are just fine :)


  1. Way to have a good attitude! haha. Love the new blog, love the design at the top! Did you do that with your new software?

  2. yes ma'am! thank you for helping me yesterday!

  3. cute new blog girlie!
    way to have a good attitude!

  4. Ok, so I served in Nuevo Laredo for the last part of my mission...& from what I heard, Laredo is not much different. Be careful girlie - very dangerous ;). Also, could you eat some cacuahtes japoneses for me? Delicios.
